Terms and Conditions - RENTO.MD

Terms and Conditions

*       Terms :  
Lessor – The person who gives the subject for rent
Lessee – The person who rents

*       What documents do we need to rent a car? 
To rent a car you will need a valid driving license with a minimum driving experience between 1 – 3 years + a valid ID card of the Republic of Moldova. (the minimum age is 21)

*       What is a car warranty and a deposit?
A car warranty is an amount of money that during the rental period – is blocked. In case the car is returned without any damage, the car warranty is immediately unblocked at the return of the rented car (the amount of the car warranty depends on: The car, the driving experience according to the driving license, Age of the Lessee).
The payment for the lease and the car warranty will be paid at the signing date of the lease contract.

*       What will happen in case of an accident?
In case that a car accident occurred during the lease period of the car you will have to immediately call your manager!

    The Lessee complies:

1)       to use the car as intended, according to the technical rules and road traffic regulations and the provisions of this contract;

2)       to not use the car for pushing or towing other means of transport;

3)   to not drive the car under the influence of alcohol, drugs and other narcotic or psychotropic substances;

4)    to use the car only on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. In case the Lessee would like to drive the car abroad or on the region of the left side of Nistru River (Transnistria), is obliged to inform the Lessor about this and to obtain a written agreement from the Lessor;

5)    to return the rented car at the expiration of the period fixed in the Contract, in the same state as it was transmitted to the Lessee, taking into consideration the normal wear and tear of the car;

6)       to not use the car as TAXI or to drive – training;

7)       to not participate in car racing, testing or sport competitions;

8)       to not exceed the maximum speed of 90 km/ h, nor, if the Lessee during the rental period of the car infringes the speed limit of more than 130 km/h thrice, the Lessor is entitled to unilaterally terminate this contract and the money paid for the rent is not refunded;

9)       to not give the car to a third party (with payment or free of charge), except with the written consent of the Lessor.

How do you find us?

Address: Petricani street, 86, “IUNAS PARK”, Chisinau city, Moldova

E-Mail: rento@rento.md


Working hours: 24/24